The Ukulele Institute of the Czech Republic held its first
ukulele retreat at the beginning of August 2017, directly after the 5th Czech
Ukulele Festival.
It was held in the town of Dačice and was quickly sold out
with 35 people enrolled.
The tutors were Kimo Hussey and David Chen, extra input was
given by Kevin Beddow from Kinnard Ukes.
The retreat was fairly short, lasting from Tuesday to Friday, and
concentrated on getting back to basics. We had the function room of the Hotel
Dyje available to us, but as the weather was so lovely, we moved the retreat to
the local Chateau park by the lake, a better setting we could not have wished
The retreat culminated in a concert by the entire team on
the town square under the auspices of the town of Dačice.
Not only was the retreat a great success musically, it was
also a wonderful social occasion, we also managed a train trip to the
nieghbouring Unesco protected renaissance town of Slavonice.
Here are some words from Kimo Hussey:
Hello, Ben!
My personal reflection regarding Dacice was that it was vintage ukulele shared with a town whose folk were fairly unfamiliar with ukulele.
The setting as a retreat location was unbelievable and having those few sessions we did outside in the forested area was way beyond beautiful.
A highlight for me was having the concert in the town square. All was wonderful not only for the people in Dacice but also for the retreat participants.
Having people from different countries, including China, all gathered in Dacice to share ukulele and have fun definitely made for a one-of-a-kind experience.
Of course, my favorite activity was simply using ukulele, a wonderful catalyst, to interface with people and make good friends.
This was thrilling.